Target markets for the iPhone and BlackBerry are starting to overlap as well. The iPhone is a media consumer's dream, playing movies and music with ease. But it's not as finely tuned for the corporate user; large companies have resisted letting employees use iPhones on corporate networks, and information-technology.
In addition, BlackBerrys are taking on more iPhone-like trappings all the time. The BlackBerry has long been the staple of corporate users who focused mostly on e-mail and calendar features, but Research In Motion has recently been aiming for high-end consumers who might buy the device for play as much as for work.
The ChangeWave survey results regarding the satisfaction rate among the cell phone owners :-
Apple's iPhone 77% "Very Satisfied"

RIMs BlackBerry 50%
Motorola 36%
Palm 34%
SonyEricsson 29%
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