Saturday, March 29, 2008

Apple's iPhone VS RIM's BlackBerry

ChangeWave survey shows just how much Apple iPhone is changing the US wireless industry

Target markets for the iPhone and BlackBerry are starting to overlap as well. The iPhone is a media consumer's dream, playing movies and music with ease. But it's not as finely tuned for the corporate user; large companies have resisted letting employees use iPhones on corporate networks, and information-technology.

In addition, BlackBerrys are taking on more iPhone-like trappings all the time. The BlackBerry has long been the staple of corporate users who focused mostly on e-mail and calendar features, but Research In Motion has recently been aiming for high-end consumers who might buy the device for play as much as for work.

The ChangeWave survey results regarding the satisfaction rate among the cell phone owners :-

Apple's iPhone 77% "Very Satisfied"

RIMs BlackBerry 50%

Motorola 36%

Palm 34%

SonyEricsson 29%